Silver Level Sponsor Spotlight: GreenGeeks

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Our event would not be possible without the generosity of our sponsors and we thank GreenGeeks for their continued support. Learn more about our partnership with GreenGeeks below and check them out at

GreenGeeks and Supporting WordCamp Northeast Ohio 2021

Although the current state of the world has made interaction more difficult, we at GreenGeeks still deliver our commitment to supporting WordCamps virtually. And even though we miss seeing everyone in person, a digital presence is better than none at all.

Why Support Northeast Ohio WordCamp?

We love being a part of such a massive and interactive community. The people we’ve met over the years have been truly astounding. We’ve shared stories, helped with building ideas, and done a lot to help keep these camps going strong.

We’re proud to support Northeast Ohio in its drive to keep WordCamp going. And luckily, we have the technology to keep these camps active.

Can you imagine what this would have looked like 10 years ago?

One of the positive things about holding these camps virtually is the ability to engage a larger audience. Those who were unable to visit the Ohio WordCamp in person can no do so virtually. This is a great convenience that many of us hope to integrate into the future.

At any rate, we’ll continue to do our part to participate in various camps and hope everyone has a great experience with what’s available for Ohio this time around.

And even though we won’t be there in person, there is still quite a bit to learn and engage.

Stay Safe Out There!

Until this pandemic is behind us, setting up virtual WordCamps is the next best thing. We’re glad and proud to support Northeast Ohio in this endeavor and hope everyone out there stays safe.

We’d like to thank all of the sponsors, organizers, volunteers, and patrons who put in time to make this WordCamp happen. Even though things are difficult, you find the will to persevere.