Meet the 2021 WordCamp Northeast Ohio Speakers: Part 3

We’re thrilled to announce our lineup of speakers for WordCamp Northeast Ohio 2021! Our speakers have volunteered their time to share their knowledge and expertise with the WordPress community.

Learn more about them in our Meet the Speakers series and meet them at our online WordCamp Northeast Ohio Region event, May 22-23.

View the event schedule.

  • Cousett Hoover

    Cousett has been working, designing, developing, and teaching WordPress since 2005. Former academic and Educational Technology Ph.D. Student turned Mompreneur with a mission to empowering all to automate, build, and grow their business. Cousett has been featured in several summits including Social Media into the Next Decade, Passive Profit Summit, Blogger Breakthrough Summit. Podcasts have included Women in WordPress and others. She is also a regular contributor to the WordPress community and can be found organizing and speaking at various WordCamps.

    Cousett is known as Techie Mamma. She is the mom of 2 boys and loves all things tech-related. Cousett teaches DIY Mompreneurs how to maximize technology, so they can scale their business, and live the lifestyle they want. The Tribe Membership helps DIY Mompreneurs learn all the technology and strategies needed to succeed. DIY Mompreneur Life FB Group and Blog focuses on all things from home life to raising kids and beyond.

  • Mikaël Mayer

    Mikaël Mayer has a PhD in Computer Science and just finished his postdoc research at the University of Chicago. Former Googler and Microsoft researcher, Mikaël is the inventor of two software patents.
    On the side Mikaël is a multimedia artist.

    Mikaël’s mission is to make programming languages and websites more accessible.

  • Mike Straw

    Mike first used WordPress in 2008, and turned into a “WordPress professional” in 2017 when he joined Automattic as a Happiness Engineer. He’s now wrangling code on the website.

    When he’s not learning and writing code, Mike leads the Athens, Ohio, WordPress meetup and helps write the rules of roller derby. Once the world returns, he’ll return to refereeing roller derby.

  • Ronald Gijsel

    I am the partnership manager for YITH, Co-host for WooCommerce London, and the WooCommerce Builder Community Events from Do the Woo, together with Bob. Before all these roles in the Woo ecosystem, I built many stores and helped entrepreneurs to start selling online.

  • Steve Grunwell

    Steve Grunwell is a Senior Software Engineer at Liquid Web, working primarily on the Managed WordPress and WooCommerce platforms. Specializing in WordPress and web application development, he has a passion for teaching and contributing back to the development community through speaking, blogging, and open-source work.

    When he’s not writing tests or finding new ways to automate the world around him, Steve is off spending time with his family, enjoying a fine cup of coffee, playing guitar, or otherwise getting away from the keyboard.